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Tips to Maintain your Furnace for Winter

Tips to Maintain your Furnace for Winter

When the old man cold hits, you don’t want your home to stay cold. If you have a furnace, now is the time to winterize it to keep you and your family toasty and warm through the cold season.

Check out these eight pro tips to ensure your furnace is fully winter-ready and running efficiently.

1. Check the Thermostat

When you switch the system from cooling to heating, some fine-tuning may be required. Turn on the heating thermostat and then slowly raise the temperature a few degrees above the current room temperature. Listen carefully to see if the heater comes on, and if it doesn’t, look at the wire connections under the furnace cover to make sure everything is connected securely. Turning on the heating is also a good time to check the blower, heat pump or furnace fan. By testing your thermostat and system early, you have a better chance of fixing problems now before winter hits.

2. Replace the Filter

You should already be turning off your HVAC filters once a month. If winter is approaching, now is the right time to replace it again. Ideally, filters should be cleaned or replaced monthly to keep potentially harmful particles from clogging your system. If the filter is dirty it can cause costly damage to the unit and you will also not feel the effects of the warm air as it cannot blow through the ductwork as it should.

3. Check the heat exchanger

You should brush and vacuum your heat exchanger every year or hire a trained professional to do it for you. This simple step can extend the life of your furnace and keep it running smoothly.

Look carefully for cracks that could lead to a dangerous carbon monoxide leak. A good cleaning gives you the opportunity to identify any problems and at the same time prepare the heat exchanger for lower temperatures.

4. Protect the external AC capacitor

If you have a heat pump, you can ignore this step. However, if your home uses a furnace, cold weather is the time to get outside and protect your AC condenser. The condenser is susceptible to damage from falling icicles and branches, which can cause costly repairs. To protect the capacitor, simply cover it with a large trash can lid tied with bungee cords. Use a wooden board to cover the condenser fan, but never cover the unit with a plastic sheet. This can cause moisture to build up and cause problems later when warmer weather arrives.

5. Schedule a furnace inspection

To prepare for winter, call your local HVAC experts to schedule an inspection of your furnace. This inspection should identify any potential damage or problems in the future so you can fix them now. A trained technician will look for things like damage to your coils, proper pressure and airflow, and perform a visual inspection of the heat exchanger. Since your furnace has many components, it’s important to let the  New furnace  monroe county Michigan take a closer look at any problems.

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