Types of Furnace Filters

Types of Furnace Filters

First, we at Furnace repair Grosse Ile Michigan recommend that you consult with a technician. The technician will discuss the manufacturer’s requirements for your furnace with you so that you acquire the correct filter for your HVAC unit. Pricier does not always imply better. Sometimes the ultra-expensive filters are too much for your heating system. Next, consider each filter option’s minimal efficiency reporting value (MERV) rating. You should know that MERV ratings range from 1 to 16, with higher ratings suggesting that the filter is more effective at preventing particles from entering your house. There are four types of filters in general:

Fiberglass Filter:

Spun fiberglass is used to make these filters. However, they are the least effective at blocking small trash and other particles and are most purchased due to cheaper costs. It would be best to replace this kind of filter once a month.


Pleated Filter:

These filters are made of cotton paper or polyester and have a higher MERV rating. The pleated design traps hair, dust particles, mold spores, pet dander, and dust mites. It would be best to change filters for pleated furnaces every three months.

Electrostatic Filter:


These filters, which can be disposable or permanent, use electronically-charged fibers to collect dust particles and allergies. They are more expensive, but they can also be cleaned and reused. The MERV rating of these filters ranges from 8 to 10.

HEPA Filter:

These high-efficiency particulate-arresting filters are made of ultra-fine glass fibers and have a MERV rating of 14 or higher. They prevent the most dangerous pollutants from poisoning the air in your house.

Choosing the Right Filter:

It is essential to read the instruction manual for your filter to understand when to change the filter entirely. We strongly advise that you change your filter at least four times a year, following the changing of the seasons. Because air runs through your HVAC unit all year, it’s critical to change your filters in all seasons.

We recommend working with a professional to ensure that your filter is compatible with the specifications of your HVAC unit. If anyone in your family suffers from allergies or asthma, we strongly advise you to change your filter to a higher MERV rating compatible with your furnace. Filter allergies, dander, and other hazardous dust particles with one. If changing filters every month feels inconvenient, consider one designed to last several months between adjustments.